2018 HR trends: Put your company in a position to succeed

We are almost halfway through 2018 - how is your HR stacking up against this year's biggest trends?

In the last two decades, technology has revolutionised the HR sector, forcing individuals and businesses to rethink their practices. Well, 2018 has not seen this pace slow down. In fact, it is responsible for all major human resources trends and offers companies a chance to get ahead and succeed in hiring new staff and better managing those already employed. Here’s a look at 2018’s three biggest HR trends.

Remote Working

Remote working is nothing new but is a trend that all forward-thinking HR professionals need to be aware of in 2018. Remote working offers numerous benefits to both the employee and businesses as it vastly reduces commuting times, as well as the need for a company to pay for fixed working space. Companies are now choosing to offer remote working solutions to certain teams that facilitate such change and perhaps it’s time for your company to consider this too. It is also a great selling point for attracting young talented professionals. 


A Focus on Re-skilling

Each and every year brings about new technological developments across almost all sectors. As such, having a career nowadays doesn't require you to learn one set of skills and then deploy them for 40 to 50 years. Instead, in order to be effective, employees need to constantly be either reskilled or upskilled in order to keep up with major changes. As a passionate HR professional, it is your job to spot these information and skill gaps and set out a schedule this year to help bring everyone up to speed and keep them on top of their game. 


Blending your Workforce

Recent years has seen the revolution of what is being deemed “The Gig Economy”. This economy includes a whole host of individuals making full-time wages from working for multiple companies from anywhere in the world. Businesses that are successful in 2018 and beyond are those that are utilising this workforce to its full potential. Instead of dealing with long-term employment contracts and offering work incentives, you can find freelance employees to fill the minor skill gaps that exist within your organisation. The recruitment process is typically much shorter, and you can turn over staff far more easily when looking for the right freelancers.


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Part 4: Returning to Work