IWD: Interview with Jacqui Coombes

Jacqui’s story is part of our International Women’s Day series, where we’re celebrating women’s achievements in the small/medium business space.

Today I had the opportunity to speak with Jacqui Coombes, the CEO and Managing Director at Amira Global, and learn more about the proud moments of her career, and why she is constantly inspired by the women around her.

She had one powerful piece of advice for this International Women’s Day: We’re all in charge of our own destiny, and we shouldn’t let artificial barriers get in our way.


1. Tell us a little about you and your background

Jacqui: My name is Jacqui, and I am the CEO & Managing Director at Amira Global. I am married to a beautiful man, and we have two grown up children, who are vastly different to each other and yet both bring magic to our lives in different ways. I am an extrovert, so I love being with people, travelling the globe, and working on challenges together with others.

My interests and hobbies include playing with numbers (it’s always an exciting moment when the ABS data is released!) and studying (I have just enrolled in a Graduate Certificate of International Relations as a way to further my learning of an evening).

2. Take us through your career to date – What has been some of the biggest accomplishments you’ve had in your career? What are you particularly proud of?

Jacqui: I have had an eclectic career path, as I have always simply followed my interests and pursued challenges – stretching the edge of what I know and what I can do is where I find my happiness (or as I like to call it, widening the circle of knowing).

I originally trained as a Statistician where I specialised in spatial modelling. I progressed to a three-decade career in the mining industry, where my initial focus was on resource estimation before getting into the governance space. My interest in resource estimation later resurfaced, as I authored and published two technical books on the subject.

I then went on to run my own organisation (Coombes Capability) for 14 years, where I ran technical mentoring and competency development programs.

Further study was calling me, so I did a PhD on statistical reasoning/governance/competency development theories and applied to the ‘JORC Code’. I got a taste for the academic life and worked as a Research Consultant at a university before doing a master’s degree in Commercial Resources Law.

I later joined a Federally funded Growth Centre as GM Innovation, followed up with a stint as Head of Innovation at Downer-Snowden, and then joined Amira as CEO 2.5 years ago.

Overall, the one thing I am particularly proud of is the people I have worked with, and how they have excelled in the industry – to watch them thrive brings me enormous joy.
— Jacqui Coombes

3. Have you ever felt career barriers or witnessed bias in the workplace due to being a female?

Jacqui: Not really - but then again, I tend to ignore anyone who tries to place limits on what I can or should do, or what I can or can't know.

The worst barrier I have seen, is the artificial barrier we allow to be placed in front of us​.

4. How can we inspire other women to pursue growth and leadership positions in their career?

Jacqui: Keep your expectations high and knock down any and all imaginary barriers - for yourself and others.

5. Do you have any female role models that you look up to?

Jacqui: Angela Merkel is my absolute favourite. And my Granny who, despite challenges, held herself with elegance and grace, and treated everyone as though they were her favourite (even though I believe I was her actually her favourite!)​. 

It is often the ordinary women around me that inspire me more than the great names.  Women tend to remain quiet about their endurance and emotional strength, their fortitude and their sacrifice.  For example, it is incredible to hear of how many women experience endometriosis (one in ten) and yet they turn up to work as though all is ok. 

It is often the ordinary women around me that inspire me more than the great names.
— Jacqui Coombes

6. What does International Women’s Day mean to you?

Jacqui: Leadership responsibility - we all owe it to the world to bring out the best in each other and find opportunities for all people of all genders, races, creeds to bring their best to each day. 

7. What is your #BreakTheBias pledge for this International Women’s Day?

Jacqui: My pledge (one that I have always had) is to provide opportunities for talent, irrespective of gender, race, creed or age (to the best of my ability and resourcing).

8. What is a key message or piece of advice you’d like to leave us with?

Jacqui: Great things happen when you open the door for someone else; when you provide suitable opportunities so they can be in flow ... everyone wins.

Jacqui Coombes is the CEO and Managing Director at Amira Global.

More information about International Women’s Day can be found here.


How to #BreakTheBias in your workplace


IWD: Interview with Jen Paetow